Sorry for taking so long on painting this stuff. A mix of being home for the holidays (and the required family events that ensue) and my odd urge to replay through Mass Effect 2 really created an unwelcome situation for my Mandrakes. Alas, I finally got one done. The Matte varnish I used had a bit of a gloss to it which is really amplified in the picture but isn't as bad in person. Next time I'm going to snap pictures BEFORE the varnish though, just to give a better idea on what the guy actually looks like. This guy was an experiment to see how I wanted to paint the squad and to make sure I get all the colors rights so he's not great, but I'm happy with how he turned out. The rest of the squad *should* turn out better though. We'll see!
Thursday, December 30, 2010
Thursday, December 23, 2010
Selling some Guard and Orks
Hey guys, decided to clear out some of my Guard I don't really use anymore and some Orks I found laying in my parents basement. Figured I'd post them here and on some forums I frequent before heading to eBay. If anyone is interested, just shoot me an email (click on the "Contact" tab up top). If anyone has any questions, feel free to post them in the comments and I'll answer them ASAP! I'm not really looking for a trade, but if you have some of the new Dark Eldar that are not painted and, preferably, not assembled, I'd certainly consider trading!
(Green is for sale, Orange is if "negotiations" are under way and Purple is sold)
5 Guardsmen on Sprue - link - $12 or BO
10 Vostroyan soldiers - link - $25 or BO (they are partially painted, but very easily stripped as they are just plastic. They also have some Resin bases I made awhile ago, they are NOT the black GW ones).
6 Valhallan soldiers - link - $25 or BO (these guys aren't sold anymore [as far as I can tell] and are just primed bar for one or two that have painted flesh. Again, metal so easily stripped.)
3 Mortar teams - link - $10 or BO (painted with really crappy bases, but they're easily cleaned off).
15 Guardsmen - link - $20 or BO (partially painted. Includes two guys from the command sprue here and here. Missing heads, shoulders were filed off as I originally planned on converting them to Valhallan warriors with greatcoats.)
Leman Russ Demolisher - link - $35 or BO (From old kit, Primed, Demolisher cannon itself is a bit warped but can be easily filed down. Missing top hatch).
Leman Russ - link - $35 or BO (From old kit, Primed. Cannon was built as a Nova cannon before the 5th edition codex was released (so it was based off of rumors)
31 Pig Iron Winter Sci Fi heads - link - $8 or BO (18 unpainted, the rest are partially painted but as they heads are metal, they're easily stripped. I only picture 25 heads, but I found six more in my bits box after taking pictures).
5 Ork Nob Bikers with Painboy - link - $45 or BO (Painted and converted to look like Nobz rather than normal warbikerz. Some are not fully painted and just partially. Paint is not very heavy at all so painting over would not be a problem).
Ork Warboss - link - $12 or BO (Painted and converted a bit)
(Green is for sale, Orange is if "negotiations" are under way and Purple is sold)
5 Guardsmen on Sprue - link - $12 or BO
10 Vostroyan soldiers - link - $25 or BO (they are partially painted, but very easily stripped as they are just plastic. They also have some Resin bases I made awhile ago, they are NOT the black GW ones).
6 Valhallan soldiers - link - $25 or BO (these guys aren't sold anymore [as far as I can tell] and are just primed bar for one or two that have painted flesh. Again, metal so easily stripped.)
3 Mortar teams - link - $10 or BO (painted with really crappy bases, but they're easily cleaned off).
15 Guardsmen - link - $20 or BO (partially painted. Includes two guys from the command sprue here and here. Missing heads, shoulders were filed off as I originally planned on converting them to Valhallan warriors with greatcoats.)
Leman Russ Demolisher - link - $35 or BO (From old kit, Primed, Demolisher cannon itself is a bit warped but can be easily filed down. Missing top hatch).
Leman Russ - link - $35 or BO (From old kit, Primed. Cannon was built as a Nova cannon before the 5th edition codex was released (so it was based off of rumors)
31 Pig Iron Winter Sci Fi heads - link - $8 or BO (18 unpainted, the rest are partially painted but as they heads are metal, they're easily stripped. I only picture 25 heads, but I found six more in my bits box after taking pictures).
5 Ork Nob Bikers with Painboy - link - $45 or BO (Painted and converted to look like Nobz rather than normal warbikerz. Some are not fully painted and just partially. Paint is not very heavy at all so painting over would not be a problem).
Ork Warboss - link - $12 or BO (Painted and converted a bit)
Wednesday, December 22, 2010
Pain Tokens of PAIN
Ok, I'm still waiting on my shipment of Warriors and Archon so I decided to build/paint up some Pain Tokens just to get myself remembering how to paint as well as test out my basing idea (I wanted lava world). So here are the two tokens, turned out pretty decent I'd say!
Monday, December 13, 2010
Reaver Jetbikes
So I'm thinking of strategies for my current Dark Eldar list (I want to hone everything before committing on too many models. Cash is tight!) and I realized that the Reavers aren't particularly great at assault and I was contemplating scratching them from my list until I realized one very important detail: Jetbikes have special rules. They can move 6" in the assault phase and not assault! I totally forgot! I'm swamped with schoolwork at the moment, so a new updated list won't be created until probably Wednesday but if I take a few Reavers, pop a Blaster or Heat Lance on them and give them cluster caltrops I can Turbo Boost over an enemy unit (36" might I add) and end out of LoS of anything particularly dangerous and then pop out in the movement phase, shoot, pop back into hiding in the assault. Rinse and repeat. I think it would create a nice distraction for my other units and still be able to wreak some havoc. Knocking a few jetbikes out of my list also frees up room for Nightshields on my Raiders which makes killing them even more annoying.
I am so pumped for this army!
Saturday, December 11, 2010
A Girl's 40k Problems
Ok, this gem is a bit to hilarious NOT to share. I was showing my girlfriend the Archon and Kabalite Warriors I recently bought for my upcoming Dark Eldar army and I asked her why she hasn't done anything with the box of Ork Boyz I bought her back at Games Day '09. She let me know why:
*She told me the whole story and apparently the bottle exploded on her and got all over her hands and she had a hair in her mouth and, well, it's pretty easy to figure out what happened from there. Still hilarious!
"Yeah, I left those in the box at home. I got fed up building them because I kept getting super glue in my mouth."I think she's doing it wrong.
*She told me the whole story and apparently the bottle exploded on her and got all over her hands and she had a hair in her mouth and, well, it's pretty easy to figure out what happened from there. Still hilarious!
Friday, December 10, 2010
The Friday Fix #1
Hey guys, so I decided to do something so I can maintain some sort of regular posting schedule at the forge so I introduce The Friday Fix! Basically if I see some cool stuff on forums or blogs or wherever, I'll post it in one of these Friday posts. Alternatively, if you guys see something cool online you'd like to share or you have a thread on a forum or blog post you'd like to promote and think is pretty cool you can email it to me and I will include it in one of these new weekly posts! Just send an email to with the title "Friday Fix" and I'll get back to you asap (i check my email super regularly so I guarantee I'll see it). As long as it's 40k related, anything goes so long as it's interesting!
For this week, I point you to a post over at the Astronomican Forums by member tkkultist. He's a member of "Team North America" and posted some cool WIP shots of the Primarchs used for the Golden Demon competitions in 2008 (I believe). Really cool "behind the scenes" work that I thought was absolutely fascinating.
The lead image is Fulgrim by Chris Borer (and, incidentally, he won a Golden Demon and the Slayer Sword for his work). Here are some WIP shots:
This next one is Ferrus Manus by Nathan Comanse:
And the last one I'll post is Lion El'Johnson by Tom Shadle:
Some incredible stuff, and absolutely thrilling to be able to see into the process of making such an incredible array of models. To see more of the Primarchs, just mozy on over to this post on the Astronomican forums. I promise you, it's worth it! You can also check out tkkultist's (James Craig's) album on his site Lost In The Warp for even more Primarch goodness!
Thursday, December 9, 2010
Final Dark Eldar List
Archon - 140pts
+Agoniser, Combat Drugs, Shadow Field, Blast Pistol, Haywire Grenades
Mandrakes x5 - 75
Kabalite Warriors x10 - 215pts
+Blaster, Dark Lance, Sybarite, Venom Blade
+Raider, Flickerfield
Kabalite Warriors x10 - 215pts
+Blaster, Dark Lance, Sybarite, Venom Blade
+Raider, Flickerfield
Wyches 9 - 200pts
+Hydra Gauntlets, Hekatrix, Agonizer
+Raider, Flickerfield
Reavers x6 - 152pts
+Cluster Caltrops
TOTAL - 997pts
As a note, I have already purchased the Archon and a box of Warriors, so assembly and painting will soon happen (though not until I hit break in about a week).
Sunday, December 5, 2010
Dark Eldar List v2.0
Ok, here's two new lists I made based on some great input both here and on the Astronomican Forums
Archon - 135pts
+Huskblade, Combat Drugs, Shadow Field
Incubi x4 - 208pts
+Klaivex, Bloodstone, Onslaught
+Venom, Splinter Cannon, Night shields
Kabalite Warriors x10 - 140pts
+Blaster, Dark Lance, Sybarite
Kabalite Warriors x10 - 140pts
+Blaster, Dark Lance, Sybarite
Wyches x10 - 210pts
+Hydra Gauntlets x2, Hekatrix, Power Weapon
+Raider, Flickerfield
Reavers x6 - 164pts
+Heat Lance, Cluster Caltrops
TOTAL - 997pts
Archon - 135pts
+Huskblade, Combat Drugs, Shadow Field
Mandrakes x5 - 85
+ Nightfiend
Kabalite Warriors x10 - 215pts
+Blaster, Dark Lance, Sybarite, Venom Blade
+Raider, Flickerfield
Kabalite Warriors x10 - 200pts
+Blaster, Splinter Cannon, Sybarite, Venom Blade
+Raider, Flickerfield
Wyches x9 - 200pts (EDIT- Originally had x10 here. That was a mistake!)
+Hydra Gauntlets, Hekatrix, Agonizer
+Raider, Flickerfield
Reavers x6 - 164pts
+Heat Lance, Cluster Caltrops
TOTAL - 999pts
Which do you guys think is the better list? List 2 seems much faster, but far more fragile while list 1 feels maybe too slow, but with a bit more staying power (because of the Incubi). List 1 is also a lot cheaper (money wise) but I'll worry about that when it's time to worry about that!
Archon - 135pts
+Huskblade, Combat Drugs, Shadow Field
Incubi x4 - 208pts
+Klaivex, Bloodstone, Onslaught
+Venom, Splinter Cannon, Night shields
Kabalite Warriors x10 - 140pts
+Blaster, Dark Lance, Sybarite
Kabalite Warriors x10 - 140pts
+Blaster, Dark Lance, Sybarite
Wyches x10 - 210pts
+Hydra Gauntlets x2, Hekatrix, Power Weapon
+Raider, Flickerfield
Reavers x6 - 164pts
+Heat Lance, Cluster Caltrops
TOTAL - 997pts
Archon - 135pts
+Huskblade, Combat Drugs, Shadow Field
Mandrakes x5 - 85
+ Nightfiend
Kabalite Warriors x10 - 215pts
+Blaster, Dark Lance, Sybarite, Venom Blade
+Raider, Flickerfield
Kabalite Warriors x10 - 200pts
+Blaster, Splinter Cannon, Sybarite, Venom Blade
+Raider, Flickerfield
Wyches x9 - 200pts (EDIT- Originally had x10 here. That was a mistake!)
+Hydra Gauntlets, Hekatrix, Agonizer
+Raider, Flickerfield
Reavers x6 - 164pts
+Heat Lance, Cluster Caltrops
TOTAL - 999pts
Which do you guys think is the better list? List 2 seems much faster, but far more fragile while list 1 feels maybe too slow, but with a bit more staying power (because of the Incubi). List 1 is also a lot cheaper (money wise) but I'll worry about that when it's time to worry about that!
Friday, December 3, 2010
From the ashes...

Luckily I finally bought Chaos Rising. Why do I mention this? Well, I originally got into 40k because of the original Dawn of War game. Chaos Rising is bringing me back. Yes! The forge won't die!
I'm going to be possibly selling my Imperial Guard army soon, so I'll keep you posted on that. The reason is because I want to start a new army. An army that will reinvigorate my love for the hobby. I'm settling between Chaos and Dark Eldar and, to be honest, am quite partial to Dark Eldar at this point.
Sadly, my knowledge of the game has deteriorated as I haven't played a game in over a year. I'm not to keen on what's going on in the tourney scene and I'm very, very, horribly unfamiliar with Dark Eldar. Hopefully someone out there, then, can help!
Here is my tentative list. It is subject to 100% change, so PLEASE offer my criticism, suggestions, ask questions, whatever! I need all the help I can get!
The goal is to have a fun army, a fast army, a challenging army and a competitive army. For now I'm not going to worry about cost as this army build will be a full year in the making (so my limited cash flow at the moment will be able to keep up until I co-op again in Summer and Fall).
(1000 pt list)
Archon - 175pts
+Huskblade, Combat Drugs, Soul-trap, Ghostplate Armor, Webway Portal, Blast Pistol
Incubi x5 - 155pts
+Klaivex, Bloodstone, Onslaught
Kabalite Warriors x10 - 230pts
+Blaster, Splinter Cannon, Sybarite, Blast Pistol, Venom Blade
+Raider, Disintegrator Cannon, Enhanced aethersails, Splinter Racks, Night Shields, Flickerfield
Kabalite Warriors x10 - 230pts
+Blaster, Splinter Cannon, Sybarite, Blast Pistol, Venom Blade
+Raider, Disintegrator Cannon, Enhanced aethersails, Splinter Racks, Night Shields, Flickerfield
Reavers x3 - 101pts
+Blaster, Arena Champion, Power Weapon
Reavers x3 - 101pts
+Blaster, Arena Champion, Power Weapon
TOTAL - 992pts
+Huskblade, Combat Drugs, Soul-trap, Ghostplate Armor, Webway Portal, Blast Pistol
Incubi x5 - 155pts
+Klaivex, Bloodstone, Onslaught
Kabalite Warriors x10 - 230pts
+Blaster, Splinter Cannon, Sybarite, Blast Pistol, Venom Blade
+Raider, Disintegrator Cannon, Enhanced aethersails, Splinter Racks, Night Shields, Flickerfield
Kabalite Warriors x10 - 230pts
+Blaster, Splinter Cannon, Sybarite, Blast Pistol, Venom Blade
+Raider, Disintegrator Cannon, Enhanced aethersails, Splinter Racks, Night Shields, Flickerfield
Reavers x3 - 101pts
+Blaster, Arena Champion, Power Weapon
Reavers x3 - 101pts
+Blaster, Arena Champion, Power Weapon
TOTAL - 992pts
Wednesday, September 15, 2010
Astro Mag Issue 7!
In what feels like forever, the guys at The Astro Mag have finally released Issue #7! Click HERE to download.
On an unrelated note, I really apologize for effectively ignoring this blog. Alex is in Germany for school until Christmas-time and I am so ridiculously swamped with school work and other more important things that I really don't have time for 40k at all in the forseeable future. However, if you happen to like this blog and you enjoy electronics and electronic related material, I do have another blog at Twelve Volt Rail. My current big project is designing a small ion generator for potential use as a secondary thrust mechanism on an RC plane. I will be ordering the parts for that shortly once I work out the kinks in the design. If that kind of crazy-ass stupid stuff interests you, bookmark the site, stop by and say hi, whatever!
Saturday, August 21, 2010
The Strike Force compilation is beginning!
I am beginning work on compiling all the Strike Force changes this weekend so thank you to anyone who submitted suggestions! I am still open to receiving emails with suggestions on the rules, just email me at The download link is here and the thread with current suggestions is here.
What I still need are pictures! If you guys want to submit your pictures of models or your artwork or whatever, just email me the pic with your name and blog or website and I will put a picture credit underneath the name with a link to your blog/website. Remember, these rules will be in the next issue of The Astro Mag so it's a good way to rack up some views!
Thanks all!
(Side note, seems like 40k will be taking a back burner ride for awhile. I'm going to be very busy with school, though I am looking at starting a Chaos army which may light a fire for my 40k love again, and Alex is going to Germany for school so he has other things on his mind. Pat who maybe has posted once on this site, well, I'm still trying to get him to post more. He's probably a lot more active than I am at this point and he is a damn good writer, one I'd love to have on here writing some articles. We'll see!)
Tuesday, July 27, 2010
A new name!
Project Kill Team finally has its new name thanks to you voters! When released, it will be known as Strike Force!
Thanks to all who voted and make sure you guys keep sending in your comments and suggestions to help make Strike Force one of the greatest community-made rule-sets on the web!!
Sunday, July 18, 2010
Real-life, you cruel mistress!
Heh, well, didn't see this one coming.
Alex and I have made a promise to update Terran Forge more. I was working on painting some stuff up plus I've got the Project Kill Team to focus on and when he returned from California he was going to do the same. Well, this past week (those of you who follow me on twitter may already know this) I have been in Charlotte, NC to help the System Engineers from Harris figure some stuff out and collect data (I am currently on co-op which makes me, basically, a paid intern). I worked some 63 hours this past week so to say I have had little time for my beloved hobby (even going online and looking at blogs) is a vast understatement. I'm not used to this kind of work schedule! Now, to make it worse (for the blog at least), I have to go to Broken Arrow, OK tomorrow at 5am and am there till Thursday. THEN I go BACK to Charlotte, NC for the week after to help get the southern part of this massive communications system for Duke Energy live. It will be hectic, rest assured! However, after that it will be pretty much smooth sailing. I'm in Lynchburg, VA for two more weeks before going home for a relaxing two or three weeks (can't remember the exact amount of time) and then head back to RIT for school. 40k time will be back in full swing (hopefully) by then!
BUT! I have some good news (I think). I am rejoining The Astro Mag, but instead of an editor or something like that I am working on promotion and popping in on the creative side of things (article ideas, etc). I can promise you a BIG, BIG, BIG issue for our next release. It's all still in the works, but I can guarantee you that every bit of your 40k side will be satisfied! GET EXCITED!
Wednesday, July 7, 2010
Female Gamers: Ya Wanna Fight About It?

So, neat. You spotted a female gamer throwin' some dice down. So what? Quite honestly, it is hard for me to understand what the big deal is about any minority demographic entering into a realm dominated by a different demographic. This, obviously, doesn't only apply to female gamers but as this is a 40k blog, I will limit myself to this very small aspect. Bringing attention to a minority demographic, like I am hypocritically doing now, serves only a few functions. The first is that is validates their minority status and becomes an almost impossible barrier to break down. This is not really anyones fault, but is more of a subconscious collective effort on the part of all wargamers because there is this stigma that cannot seem to be erased that wargaming is strictly a man's hobby. Second, it feeds the so-called "attention whores" who, more likely than not, are in it just for the attention of other males (this, I feel it should be said, does not apply to just females, but as it is the subject of this post it is the only thing I will address). Thirdly, and this I feel is the biggest problem in the wargaming community, is it highlights many-a-males severe ineptitude when it comes to talking to women.
Again, the general male ineptitude when it comes to conversing with women applies not only to wargaming (duh). Quite honestly, I wouldn't be surprised if most of the people reading this post right now are pretty bad at it (I mean, good enough to get by, but sometimes everything just comes out wrong). I'm definitely in this camp. In the correct setting or correct mindset I can easily talk to girls just like I talk to my male friends, and this is how it should be. However, sometimes a genuine hand at friendship can be misinterpreted quite easily as a flirt. Again, I am in this camp. In fact, a few years ago when I worked at a public library (as the only, and I cannot stress that enough, only male working there) a girl approached me and starting talking about one of my favorite authors, Fyodor Dostoevsky, and so naturally I engaged in harmless conversation with her. We became friends. No big deal, right? Well when I started dating another girl that works there (still am too! As far as I'm concerned she's way out of my league but I guess the drugs still haven't worn off after three years :p). Anyways, Dostoevsky girl was pissed because apparently she thought I have been flirting with her for the past few months.
Uh... what?
A simple gesture of kindness, becoming friends by talking about an atheistic Russian author from the 1800s, was turned into something else entirely. And this happens all the time.
Now, the problem with wargaming in regard to the subject at hand is that it is a male-dominated hobby. I am going to stereotype now, something I'm not a fan of doing, but I'm going to say that in general all of 40k wargamers have a much larger proportion of male friends to female friends. I will also make the assumption that, in general, this is due to a lack of perceived interests. Why, then, do male wargamers tend to suffocate female wargamers (whether in a club, or in threads on forums, or whatever)? Could it possibly be because the male wargamers lacking a good base of female friends (who are great to have because, honestly, they are incredible to talk to about a variety of subjects, mostly sensitive ones, that men are just terrible at. I know I am)? Could it be that they just are getting overly excited at the thought that they have found a potential female friend with similar interests as themselves? Absolutely! Are they sometimes overly aggressive? More times than not! HOW THE HELL DO YOU APPROACH THE SITUATION?
Be normal. Be yourself. Other than a difference in anatomy, there is no real reason to treat them any differently you would treat another male playing the game. Why should you, especially if you just want to be friends? The real female gamers (I say real because, as mentioned earlier, some are just out for attention. That is pretty unavoidable with any demographic in any situation, sadly) are the exact same as you. They love 40k. They either want to crush your army with cheese like Power-Gamer Joe or show off their stunning minis like GD Tom (or, you know, anything in between!). Why act differently if you really just would like to be friends or you just want to welcome them to a forum or what have you? There is no reason to. Treat them equally, not like they should be put on a pedestal and praised nor like they should be placed below us on the proverbial food chain. Treat them as a fellow gamer you have thrown the dice with countless times before, the only difference is, quite literally, on the surface.
The reason I posted this was just that I've seen so many disgusting blog and forum posts that just baffle me. Why talk about a subject that, honestly, doesn't really deserve a second though. Women are not all pretty-little-pink-princesses that play with barbies and watch Disney movies all the time. Just like men are not all beer guzzling "bros" who can't control their bodily functions and watch only sports and can't pick out the beautiful subtleties of well written screenplays instead opting for potty humor comedies. Phew. Humans are complex creatures with incredible ranges of emotions, interests and ideas. To stereotype (despite me doing it earlier, sorry) is to simplify humans into cookie-cutter forms that do a disservice to the amazing grey-matter that occupies each and every one of our skulls. No one person is alike, but we're all equal. Why treat one differently than the other?
And I leave you with a most appropriate xkcd comic:

Wednesday, June 30, 2010
Reminder: Vote for Project Kill Team!
Just a reminder that you should all vote for a new name for Project Kill Team on the poll right over there ---->>
That is all.
Sunday, June 27, 2010
Flesh Tearers, Inquisitors, oh my!

Above is a Flesh Tearer. No, I am not starting a Codex: Blood Angels army, however my younger brother is! The thing is, he's never played or painted before so I decided I'd write a tutorial for him. First I wanted to test out what I had in mind on a spare marine (though after I finished I realized he was part of my Devastator squad and I never painted him yet- whoops! He won't be a Flesh Tearer for long lol!). This guy took me almost exactly one hour which is great. I wanted to create a method for my brother that was easy and quick and looked really good. I'm a fan of the way this one turned out. What I'm going to do is in about two weeks I'm heading over to Richmond, VA for a weekend with some guys from the Astronomican forum. While there I'm going to grab a Gabriel Seth model (assuming the guy has one in stock) and paint him up with an exhaustively detailed tutorial. Should be fun. I'm even thinking about buying an HD video camera so I can do a video tutorial. We'll see.
And next on the list, an Inquisitor! Hephesto of Hephesto's Forge sent me him with some other great models when I started my guard army (yes I haven't posted about them in awhile but I want to finish my marines before I think about guard!). I decided to paint him up just so I can do something when I get bored and it was a (successful) attempt to get me back into 40k full-swing. He's still very much a PIP but figure I'd post a progress pic up!

Power Bracket Finals and Kill Team Poll!
Before we get to the bracket, I'd like to mention the poll to the right for choosing a new name for "Project Kill Team". This will be the name of the rules-set itself. If you have a better name that you like, please just post it in the comments of either this post or the Project Kill Team post and I will add it to the poll.
All in all, a very appropriate ending for this bracket. Good versus Evil in the Calgar/Abaddon match and a replay of the Horus Heresy when Horus killed his brother Sangunius. Only this time, the Blood Angel was able to avenge his father's death. Cool ending if you ask me!
Now, the bracket. I apologize it has taken me so long to post up, I've just been really busy.
The winner is:
I know, I know, surprising, right? Well here's the bracket and underneath the full bracket.
Abaddon just destroyed Marneus and The Sanguinor very easily beat Canis Wolfborne. It was the final between The Sanguinor and Abaddon that was actually very thrilling. The first round Abaddon rolled a 5 for how many extra attacks he got and in one round of combat was able to kill the Blood Angels Champion. However, it is the higher invulnerable save of 3+, the ability to re-roll all to hit and to wound rolls in combat against a specified HQ and his Eternal Warrior that saved The Sanguinor from falling to the blade of Chaos like his father, Sanguinius, did before him.
All in all, a very appropriate ending for this bracket. Good versus Evil in the Calgar/Abaddon match and a replay of the Horus Heresy when Horus killed his brother Sangunius. Only this time, the Blood Angel was able to avenge his father's death. Cool ending if you ask me!
I will be putting the final bracket up permanently on the left-hand side of Terran Forge as well.
Perhaps I will do an alien bracket next.....
Sunday, June 20, 2010
Chaos Marines Bracket
Ok, here is the last section before the finals, the Chaos Space Marines! The winner, completely unexpectedly [/sarcasm] is Abaddon the Despoiler!
Here is the bracket:
So what's next? Well Abaddon and Marneus will face off in what promises to be an epic duel and Canis Wolfborne and The Sanguinor will have a nice fist fight to see who enters the final arena. Stay tuned, as I'll post up the finals on Tuesday! It's anybody's guess on who's going to win!
Saturday, June 19, 2010
Blood Angels Bracket
It's a bit later than I wanted to post it, but here it is, the Blood Angels bracket. And the winner is... THE SANGUINOR! Guy ripped through everybody, I was impressed. As a note, I ended up restructuring this bracket a bit because the one I orginially had didn't maketoo much sense.
Click for larger image!

Friday, June 18, 2010
Space Wolves Bracket
Well... this was... interesting, to say the least. There were many times while I was pitting each IC against each other that I second guessed myself because the outcome was just down right odd. A great example is the fact that Canis Wolfbane won. What?! He beat, with lack of anti-tank weaponry mind you, Bjorn the Fellhanded - a gorram dreadnought! Granted, the amount of attacks he had coupled with his heightened strength of 5 and the fact he has rending all contributed to this beat down. The first round he managed to get a wreck, the second went on for a few assault rounds as Canisjust kept getting weapon destroyed and immobilized results.
But yeah. What a shocker. The only reason, I think, he survived against Logan even though the guy (as far as I can tell. I could've missed something) doesn't have an invulnerable save was just because if his heightened toughness. Plus, the pair of claws let him re-roll wounds so that was certainly a plus!
Anyways, here's the bracket:
-Unless Logan would've been killed beforehand, he opted to allocated all attacks as a Power Fist rather than Frost Blade. (Technically a bit of cheating here, but I wanted to keep it as balanced as possible)
-Njal, after testing all shooting psychic attacks, always used "Muderous Hurricane" as it nearly always produced results.
Thursday, June 17, 2010
Space Marine Bracket
Here is the promised Space Marine bracket! Marneus Calgar, unsurprisingly, won. What is surprising, however, is that the only one to beat him was Cassius! Very interesting! A few reasons for that were that Marnues couldn't insta-kill him and Cassius has Feel No Pain.
Here's the bracket with each round's win-loss ratio for each opponent (click to enlarge).

Here's the bracket with each round's win-loss ratio for each opponent (click to enlarge).

- Marneus Calgar was given the Armor of Antilochus
- Tigurius uses Smite in the shooting round and Quickening and Might of the Ancients in the Assault round.
Wednesday, June 16, 2010
The Power Armor Bracket
Hello everyone! Today I decided to do a small week long project that pits Power-Armored special characters in four codices (Space Marines, Space Wolves, Blood Angels and Chaos Space Marinesin a best-of-3 series against each other until at the very end only the best remains. This is definitely for fun, but I'm going to put a poll up to see what people think will happen.
EDIT- No, nevermind. Polls aren't working for some reason. For now just leave who you think will win in the comments of this post!
Here is the bracket (click for the full image):
Every day, starting tomorrow, I will post up each army's results (all the way to the champ). I will skip Monday as I'd like to get some people voting on the overall winner and on Tuesday of next week we will see who is the absolute champion!
So here are the rules I will be abiding by:
-Characters have one round of shooting before assault.
-Character who was seeded first is the first allowed to assault, and it alternates for the next 3 to 6 games.
-Characters will be bare bone unless there are obvious choices to be taken such as Terminator armor for Calgar. Any choice other than the basic wargear will be specifically mentioned.
That's about it.
Hopefully this will be fun and some of you guys will enjoy it!
Thursday June 17th - Space Marines
Friday June 18th - Space Wolves
Saturday June 19th - Blood Angels
Sunday June 20th - Chaos Space Marines
Tuesday, June 15, 2010
Project Kill Team: Building a force
Hey guys, I'm hoping by now all the regular visitors to my blog are familiar with my ongoing community project currently dubbed: Project Kill Team. If not, here's a handy link to get you updated and, hopefully, involved!
I was traversing blogs today when I saw Hephesto's post on building a Kill Team force that I thought was too cool not to repost. Here's the link (I highly recommend following it) and a picture from it to tantalize you.

Sunday, June 13, 2010
There's more companies than just GW?
So as I was cruising through my typical blog list and I found an awesome resource over on Hephesto's Forge. It lists and briefly describes various "lesser known" miniature companies and, frankly, is an awesome collection of links. For the conversion-addict, these companies and websites no doubt provide a fantastic array of resources. So go check them out!
Made a few layout changes to the site this weekend. Besides the minor tweaks to the background and such, the most notable addition is the new fancy nav-bar up top. Take a look. Pretty nifty, eh? Up there you can find such things as the Home Page (which you're on! Welcome!), how to Contact us, Wallpapers (for your desktop. Though I guess you could, conceivably, print them out and glue them on your wall at home. Though I'd highly advise against this course of action). Editorials, Friday FAQ (which I have kind of ignored for awhile- oops!), Tutorials and, most importantly (for the time being at least), PROJECT KILL TEAM! Oh yes, this puppy has it's own page now. Cool, right?
On that note, if you'd like to help out even further besides sending suggestions or pictures or whatnot, please feel free to spread the word about it on your own forums or blogs or send in emails to other site owners who you'd think would like to spread this community project. Every bit helps!
Ech. That sounded like a charity advert. My bad.
Oh, one last thing. Take a look at that cool new twitter feed on the left. I think it looks pretty neat, myself.
Tuesday, June 8, 2010
Project: Kill Team
Due to a site layout change, I will no longer be updating this post and will instead up date the page in the nav bar above titled "Project: Kill Team". A permanent link can be found here.
Suggestions in GREEN
1A. Kill-Team:
8. You may use your 175 points to buy 5-15 miniatures from your codex, following the rules explained above. However, note that wargear and weapons do not come out of these 175 points. They are instead bought from each Kill Team’s wargear allowance, which will be discussed in the next section. Character upgrades, such as Nobs, sergeants and champions, do come out of these 175 points. <<--Clarification of rule 9. Minimum squad sizes indicated in codices may be ignored, so a Chaos Kill Team could indeed take a single Berzerker. <<--Clarification of rule QUESTION: What do we do with bonuses that are normally rolled for an entire unit (Combat Drugs, Chaos Possessed, Penal Legion etc)? I’m even considering allow people to choose the bonus...not sure really.
1B. Wargear
1. If the unit normally has the option for a piece of wargear they must pay the cost giving in their specific codex entry. So no finding a weapon or character upgrade that is 5 points cheaper for another unit. In other words, only unique wargear, normally not available, can be taken from other units. <<--Clarification of rule
8. You may use your 175 points to buy 5-15 miniatures from your codex, following the rules explained above. However, note that wargear and weapons do not come out of these 175 points. They are instead bought from each Kill Team’s wargear allowance, which will be discussed in the next section. Character upgrades, such as Nobs, sergeants and champions, do come out of these 175 points. <<--Clarification of rule 9. Minimum squad sizes indicated in codices may be ignored, so a Chaos Kill Team could indeed take a single Berzerker. <<--Clarification of rule QUESTION: What do we do with bonuses that are normally rolled for an entire unit (Combat Drugs, Chaos Possessed, Penal Legion etc)? I’m even considering allow people to choose the bonus...not sure really.
1B. Wargear
1. If the unit normally has the option for a piece of wargear they must pay the cost giving in their specific codex entry. So no finding a weapon or character upgrade that is 5 points cheaper for another unit. In other words, only unique wargear, normally not available, can be taken from other units. <<--Clarification of rule
Army Specific Rules (all just suggestions and observations):
- what about allow each Kill Team to take a single Kroot (not Shaper), with armour and 2 hounds as part of their Kill-Team (which comes to a cool 20 points)
Blood Angels:
Chaos Daemons:
- deployment may need some tweaking, both to bring it in line with the rest of the Kill Team rules. Though it would be cool to keep some randomness, in order to keep the feel of the army alive as well.
- perhaps we should allow a couple of Nurgling swarms?
- really like the idea of being able to use some of the name characters (Changeling etc), though perhaps we should limit it to a single name character?
- daemon deployment, though the rules discussed later in the pdf deal with this just fine
- perhaps we should allow a single Spawn in there, like the Nids can take a single Lictor.
Dark Eldar:
- Perhaps allow a Shadowseer if the troup only consists of Harlequins, despite him being a psyche?
Imperial Guard:
- What to do with the point costs, this as the IG codex only gives points for the minimum squad etc
- May take up to a maximum of 5 Nobz. Note: Mega-Armored Nobz may NOT be taken, nor may bike be taken.
Space Marines:
Space Wolves:
- A Space Wolf Kill Team MUST include at least a single Wolf Guard, who will be the team’s leader. This Pack Leader, and he alone, may select one, and only one, of the following Sagas and associated Oaths: Saga of the Wolfkin, or Saga of the Warrior Born (only 5 kills are needed to fullfill the Oath).
Tau Empire:
- If a Kill-Team only contains 10 or more Kroot, then you may upgrade a single one to a Shaper.
- Note though that in this case the Shaper will be your Kill Team’ leader.
- May either take a single Lictor or up till three Tyranid Warriors in a Kill Team (two may be better – roughly the same price range as well!).
- Can they use spore mines?
Witch Hunters:
- what about allow each Kill Team to take a single Kroot (not Shaper), with armour and 2 hounds as part of their Kill-Team (which comes to a cool 20 points)
Blood Angels:
Chaos Daemons:
- deployment may need some tweaking, both to bring it in line with the rest of the Kill Team rules. Though it would be cool to keep some randomness, in order to keep the feel of the army alive as well.
- perhaps we should allow a couple of Nurgling swarms?
- really like the idea of being able to use some of the name characters (Changeling etc), though perhaps we should limit it to a single name character?
- daemon deployment, though the rules discussed later in the pdf deal with this just fine
- perhaps we should allow a single Spawn in there, like the Nids can take a single Lictor.
Dark Eldar:
- Perhaps allow a Shadowseer if the troup only consists of Harlequins, despite him being a psyche?
Imperial Guard:
- What to do with the point costs, this as the IG codex only gives points for the minimum squad etc
- May take up to a maximum of 5 Nobz. Note: Mega-Armored Nobz may NOT be taken, nor may bike be taken.
Space Marines:
Space Wolves:
- A Space Wolf Kill Team MUST include at least a single Wolf Guard, who will be the team’s leader. This Pack Leader, and he alone, may select one, and only one, of the following Sagas and associated Oaths: Saga of the Wolfkin, or Saga of the Warrior Born (only 5 kills are needed to fullfill the Oath).
Tau Empire:
- If a Kill-Team only contains 10 or more Kroot, then you may upgrade a single one to a Shaper.
- Note though that in this case the Shaper will be your Kill Team’ leader.
- May either take a single Lictor or up till three Tyranid Warriors in a Kill Team (two may be better – roughly the same price range as well!).
- Can they use spore mines?
Witch Hunters:
-Fire Team
-Strike Force
-Combat 40k
-Recon/Recon 40k
-Tactical Assault
Tuesday, May 25, 2010
I Need Your Help!
Hey guys. Back in Issues 1 and 3 of The Astro Mag I published a set of homebrew Kill Team rules as outlined in this previous blog post. For over a year now they have gone untouched, left to rot in the depths of the interwebs. However, I have the urge to revamp them, make a new (more aesthetically pleasing) book. Why do you ask? Well partly because I always loved the games I played with them and also I recently found out my friend has got his group in Portland playing and they apparently love it (which makes me giddy :p).
To stay on topic, I need your help to make them better. All I ask is that over the next month or so if you happen to get a small game in where you can play with these Kill Team rules, send me some feedback. Let me know things that seem broken or could use improvement (whether it is as simple as wording of the rules or as dire as fixing the entire rule itself). I am only one man, and one man can only see so many loopholes! What I would like to do with this, also, is release it in the Astro Mag as well as a standalone release.
Also, I will of course credit anybody that gives feedback- it would be silly not to!
So if anyone would like to help out, just get a game in within the next month or so (the games last anywhere between 5 and 30 minutes, usually) and send me some feedback at . Hopefully a few of you will be able to help out and make a really fun set of rules to play in between your much longer full-on 40k sessions.
Here's a link to the rules that you can download
To stay on topic, I need your help to make them better. All I ask is that over the next month or so if you happen to get a small game in where you can play with these Kill Team rules, send me some feedback. Let me know things that seem broken or could use improvement (whether it is as simple as wording of the rules or as dire as fixing the entire rule itself). I am only one man, and one man can only see so many loopholes! What I would like to do with this, also, is release it in the Astro Mag as well as a standalone release.
Also, I will of course credit anybody that gives feedback- it would be silly not to!
So if anyone would like to help out, just get a game in within the next month or so (the games last anywhere between 5 and 30 minutes, usually) and send me some feedback at . Hopefully a few of you will be able to help out and make a really fun set of rules to play in between your much longer full-on 40k sessions.
Here's a link to the rules that you can download
Monday, April 26, 2010
My Return to 40k: Eyjafjallajokul (not the volcano!)
So I have been out of the hobby for about 4 months. As in I haven't touched my 40k stuff. That it until the other day when I got the itching to paint something so, instead of suppressing the thought I decided to act on it and finally painted up my Vindicator I dubbed "Eyjafjallajokul" just because I think the name sounds awesome. I haven't painted in a while (as previously mentioned) but my style has seemed to change considerably. I just kind of painted what I felt like painting and I am quite proud of the result. I think the break from painting has helped me to just forget all the stupid habits I've learned and predispositions I had and I definitely like this style better.
Picture time!

Picture time!

Tuesday, March 16, 2010
Look What I Dug Up!
Kill Team Rules!
I made these back for the third issue of The Astro Mag and after Ron's email to the FtW members, I dug it up and extracted it from the magazine for easy download. They're really fun- enjoy and let me know what you think of them!
I made these back for the third issue of The Astro Mag and after Ron's email to the FtW members, I dug it up and extracted it from the magazine for easy download. They're really fun- enjoy and let me know what you think of them!
Wednesday, February 24, 2010
So it's been almost one month since Alex or I have posted on Terran Forge. I'm not exactly sure what has been keeping Alex out of the hobby, but for me it has been both a very rough and fast paced quarter at college (which will get even more rough and fast paced next quarter) and, as I've previously mentioned, Mobius Comics. Now I am starting to get my roommate into 40k so hopefully there will be a resurgence, at least from me, for hobby stuff. Hopefully. I have no clue how my workload will play out.
Anyways, I just wanted to both apologize and notify the 40k blagosphere that we're not disappearing, just bogged down in work.
On the bright side, I'm starting to get the hang of this whole comic-drawing thing as shown in my newest comic here. I'm going to be doing a full page comic for the next issue of the Astro Mag in their next issue along the same art style which will play into a comic storyline I'm currently drawing (so, you know, if you want to bookmark my comic feel free :) ).
Anyways, I just wanted to both apologize and notify the 40k blagosphere that we're not disappearing, just bogged down in work.
On the bright side, I'm starting to get the hang of this whole comic-drawing thing as shown in my newest comic here. I'm going to be doing a full page comic for the next issue of the Astro Mag in their next issue along the same art style which will play into a comic storyline I'm currently drawing (so, you know, if you want to bookmark my comic feel free :) ).
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