Last summer I scratch built a Warhound titan for only $30 but at one point I ran out of styrene so I naively thought that cardboard would hold its own. That is, cardboard legs with a styrene torso. Needless to say, the thing was quite top heavy and ended up collapsing on on itself (with a bit of aid from my foot accidentally stepping on it). A lot of hard work for nothing...until now. I decided "Hey! This would make for some great terrain!" so I began work. This is the first piece with the only foot I have remaining. A simple thing but it'll really bring some "pop" to the games Pat, Alex and I play together. I have the whole torso and head still and plan on making a MASSIVE piece out of that soon enough. Need to get some Valhallans done first :)
Before shots:

After shots:

Finally, some nice looking cover for our games.
i like it alot. really good use of broken bits
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