Finished up my Ironclad (I name him Thor. Long story but involves me listening to "
Twilight of the Thunder God" by Amon Amarth*). I tried two new things to some success... first, I tried to bled the purple on the armor in the same vein as the
Salamander Ironclad on the GW website. The other thing was that I only did NMM on the model's metallic part. I've done this before (a model having no metal paints used) but never to a scale this large. Usually it was confined to guardsmen (my
Commissar that made it to the Chicago Golden Demon Finals being a good example). In the end, while the effects are certainly not perfect, I am incredibly happy with the way everything turned out. If I had to pick my favorite parts of the model, it would have to be the searchlight, the leg armor, the skull/cross thing on the left armor plate and the purity seal. Anyways, onto the pictures...

*One of the lines in that song is "Thor, Odin's son, protector of mankind" so I figured naming him Thor and referencing the song, people would make the connection with Space Marines = protectors of mankind. :p
That's some sweet NMM. Overall, the paintjob is just plain stunning.
I am a bit curious what inspired the seismic hammer arm. Care to share? I figure the seismic hammer is just best characterized as a giant pile-driver type thing, and I think that's what you're going for. At least, that's what it reads as to me.
Thanks man!
When I first got the SM codex and read the Ironclad entry I got this idea of some sort of hydraulic arm that would relentlessly pound at enemy bunkers. Sort of like a jackhammer, but with a more blunt and hardened punchy-thing :p
That's pretty much what I saw it as.
I saw it about like:
Check at 1:04 for a Pile Bunker in action. For me, that feels like the +1 to damage table. Because yeah, that probably hurt.
That has come up really well, all aspects look good from all angles.
The NMM are sweet.
Awesome job with the seismic hammer too - one of those things that is innocuously brutal.
the fade from black into the purple is awesome, and im totally with you on all the details you picked out as being best, its excellently painted but im not so sure about calling it an 'ironclad dred' since they look WAY bigger than normal dred's... id just call it an 'awesomely-painted-and-unique-dred'!!! great work
Beautiful dread,it must have taken an age to paint all those details.
A few questions:
is it magnetized or is it seismic hammer only?
Wont it limit it's game use if it is seismic hammer only?
Is the purple wet blend of feathering?
Very nicely done purple.
Thanks for the comments guys!
@E- It's feathering. I'm still working on my wetblending technique, it's still very meh. Also, the arms are interchangeable, but not magnetized. There are holes in each weapon arm and jutting from the torso are male rods for easy switching. Though I don't have any other arms so it will stay as an Ironclad in game until I can get my hands on some.
Ah, I've done the same and not stuck them on my dread, holds fairly well doesn't it?
As to wet blending can't say I've tried it, so you have atleast done more than me when it comes to that. I did see this the other day though, might be of interest:
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