Most basic troops are pretty mediocre. They don’t have the muscle that Elites do, they don’t have the speed the Fast Attack units do and they don’t have the fire power that Heavy Support has. Why on Earth would you ever take troops? Well they are the backbone of your army. Sure, they may not be as powerful as Unit X or Unit Y, but their skill lies in their versatility. For example, I can make a Guard squad anti-tank by giving them a Melta gun. Boom goes the dynamite. Obviously that’s a simple example. Now something I like to do with my lists (that many people will cringe at) is throwing an anti-tank and anti-infantry weapon into each of my Tactical Squads. Sure, I kind of go against the “what is the purpose of this unit” rule but it allows for massive tactical flexibility on the table so every squad can fill any role that’s needed based on the situation. This is something that I feel Troops choices excel at. They have a great ability to be flexible on the unit-based level so depending on what type of game you’re playing and what type of list it is, you can always fill a needed role. What some people will claim is that if I have a Melta Gun and a Heavy Bolter in my squad and I’m shooting a tank, that Heavy Bolter is going to waste. They’re right. But so do the eight other Bolter shots. And if I had a Multi-Melta, sure I’d have more of a chance to kill the vehicle but what if I’m against a horde Ork list? The Meltas are useless and I sure would be wishing I had that Heavy Bolter back. This of course is just my play style and not something everyone should follow, just an idea worth tossing around while thinking up a list. Some armies simply don’t work like that, but others, Space Marine especially, can do very well this way.
Besides the ability to have unit-based flexibility, you can also craft specially-designed roles for them. Are they going to camp and objective? Give them some heavy fire power. Are they going to rush an objective to clean-up after the Hammer squad swept through? Give them a transport. Are they going to be a sacrificial unit that is shielding a more important squad (such as Heavy Weapons teams or Dark Reapers)? Give them some Close-Combat weapons. The possibilities are endless. You Troops will almost never be the most efficient unit at the job you give them, but they can definitely be incredible strategic assets if you use them in the right way in your lists and in game. They key to Troops selection, just like any unit you will take in an army list, is determining their general purpose. From there you can figure out what wargear to give them and then whether or not you want to make your squad malleable (the can perform wither Task A or Task B) or hardened to one specific purpose. Without Troops, even the strongest list can crumble.
Like always, I’d love to hear your thoughts! What do you guys do when you select Troops?
Troops give you mumbers and numbers can have an impact all of their own - watch ants pulling down a scorpion.
Depends heavily on the codex.
Most of the time, though, if you can get some versatility, I'd get it. I mean, a SM tactical squad can grab a flamer and a multi-melta, and ride a Rhino. It's a bunker for a heavy weapon, or tank shock + flamer love, or something else like that.
Past that, as you mentioned, give them a job. SM scout snipers excel at objective-camping.
OF course, it depends heavily on the codex. My Eldar and Tau troops are one-dimensional at best. Kroot are speed bumps, Fire Warriors hold an objective. Dire Avengers can fire on infantyr, or just make a Wave Serpent scoring.
Truthfully, with Tau, I'm envious of other armies' ability to bring some actual, useful troops.
I need to start doing the "flexible unit" idea with my guard. Throw an auto/lascannon in the mix with my grenade launchers. What am I missing really? 1 to 2 lasgun shots? How shall I ever live without them?!
With the importance of objective grabbing in 5th Ed, I'd say that speed and manoeuvrability are also important considerations for troops these days too.
As a Guard player, I obviously now have some pretty swanky options, what with both chimeras and (for a price) valkyries, but actually what I tend to do is keep the squads themselves versatile and manoeuvrable.
What I tend to do is just arm sections with a variety of special weapons, and save heavy weapons for elsewhere. One can never rely on T3/BS3 guardsmen to live long or hit a target, but at least it means they can always move (eg: toward objectives).
Few things are more frustrating than making the decision not to move 10 guardsmen just so you can fire their missile launcher (or whatever) only to have it miss.
Nice reviews by the way - thanks!
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