As promised, here is a detailed listing of where my armies are (I know, I got SOO much done since my last post :p)
Fully Painted
Painting in Progress
Work in Progress
Not built/Still on sprue
Chapter Master
Chaplain with Jump Pack
Chaplain in Terminator Armor
Librarian in Terminator Armor
Master of the Forge on bike with Conversion Beamer
Honor Guard
Kor'Sarro Khan
Legion of the Damned with Heavy Flamer
Terminator Squad
Assault Terminator Squad
Venerable Dreadnought
Ironclad Dreadnought
Tactical Squad with Plasma Gun/Heavy Bolter/Powerfist
Tactical Squad with Plasma Gun/Heavy Bolter/Powerfist
Tactical Squad with Melta Gun/Powerfist
Scout Squad x8 with Powerfist/Three Shotguns/Heavy Bolter
Land Speeder Storm
Assault Squad x10 with Jump Packs/Powerfist
Assault Squad x8 with Powerfist
Devastator Squad with three Lascannons
Land Raider
Land Raider Redeemer
Company Command Squad
Commissar Lord
Techpriest Enginseer
Platoon command Squad with grenade launcher
Platoon command Squad with melta gun
Infantry squad with grenade launcher
Infantry squad with grenade launcher
Infantry squad with grenade launcher
Infantry squad with flamer
Infantry squad with flamer
Infantry squad with flamer
Mortar Squad
Mortar Squad
Armored Sentinel
Leman Russ Battle Tank
Leman Russ Executioner
Leman Russ Vanquisher
Leman Russ Demolisher
Leman Russ Eradicator
Next update due August 15th!
Friday, July 31, 2009
Thursday, July 30, 2009
Friday FAQ #8
As I was cruising through Dakka and Warseer in search of rules queries to answer in our weekly FAQ, I came across a post that blew my mind. And not in a good way:
Now many non-frequent gamers may not know the difference so let me break it down so the rest of this post isn't unneccisarly confusing. RAW stands for "Rules As Written", that is reading the rules and applying them to the game exactly as they are written. RAI stands for "Rules As Intended (or Implied)" in that you apply the rules as it is intended to be played and not exactly how it is written.
The use of either of these is generally clear. I have 6/10 guys behind a building, I therefore get a 4+ cover save reading the rules as written (RAW) in the rulebook. Using the example at the beginning of this post, Terminator armor is bulky and therefore Terminators cannot sweeping advance IMPLIES (RAI) that any model in Terminator cannot perform a sweeping advance, despite what the rules as written are. Same with the 4th edition Space Marine codex where Terminators didn't have Terminator Armor in their entry. A clear case of RAI over RAW (except for rules-lawyering idiots).
Now where might I be going with this? Well I want to help out everyone (including myself) by figuring out when the best time to use RAW or RAI is. A lot of times it is depending on my mood or the situation (which is never good as I am rarely using logic in those cases). When you are playing for fun, RAI should ALWAYS take precedence and when you're playing in a tournament-style RAW should likewise take precedence. However, there are times when using one or the other can be confusing or tricky.
Many times RAW comes off as rules-lawyering or looking either too deeply or not enough into the rules. Some nice cases are our rulings for Pinning Weapons and the Deffrolla. Both of those issues teeter on the line between RAW and RAI but Alex and I decided on RAW for both. Why? Well because when it is hard to tell what is implied in a rule (did they really want you to be able to Ram with a Deffrolla or have each sniper gun able to cause a pinning check?) I feel going with RAW is the safest route until an official FAQ is released. I realize many people disagree and that's perfectly OK. If you are planning on playing fun games I suggest making some fun house rules that use RAW but twist them a bit to make it more of a compromise. For example, if I thought each weapon causing a pinning check is over-powered, I would say on a 4+ at the beginning of the squad's shooting phase, each weapon has the potential to cause a pinning check because they are not shooting to kill, but shooting to make sure the enemy doesn't advance (or something like that). It makes the game for interesting with it still being a fair compromise. The important thing to remember with RAW is that it absolutely cannot be used in all cases, but is the safety net if you can't come upon a decision. You then can use what's written and manipulate it into a house rule since, after all, 40k is meant for fun, not to beat the crap out of eachother!
I like using RAI a lot because it helps me think about how the developers come up with rules so I can create fun little scenarios as I play. However, when answering rules questions I tend to only use it when what is written is absolutely not clear and can logically be drawn to more than one conclusion. That's where it begins to get tricky because everyone is right with their opinion on what the developers intended (since most of us just play the game and don't write the rules!) so it's why we come to our conclusion that matters, not how. A good example of this in our Friday FAQ segments is the Drop Pod ordeal. Alex and I didn't feel the rules were clear and there were two different conclusions that people could logically come to so we decided to look at what was intended. The beautiful thing about RAI is that it really helps to get people in the spirit of the game. Too often gamers get enthralled by competitive play that they forget GW has always intended the 40k rulebook to be a guideline on how to play and not a definitive rules-set. Bottom-line is that 40k is meant to be fun, not competive. In the end, RAI is perfect for creating house-rules because that's what they are: a certain group's interpretation of what is intended in a rule.
Anyone who has played in a tournament has faced cheesy lists, unit abuse and down-right game-breaking crap. However, that's not being a powergamer IMO. Even though i am under the firm belief that fun lists can win tournies too (I've seen it happen!), I belief powergaming lies mainly in rules manipulation. This is usually where a player will be using RAW where RAI is needed (rarely do they use RAI because the game actually becomes fun and the powergamer just can't have that). Another way to be a powergaming dick is by making a ruling up that gives them a clear advantage and acting like it is 100% true to try and play off their opponant's ignorance or frustration, furthering their chances to win. When you need to rely on a rules-anomaly to win a game and not tactical superiority, I have the urge to punch you right in the face.
A beautiful example was in Alex and my last game in our doubles tourney. We played an Eldar guy and Chaos guy (Eldar dude was a great sport even though we tabled his army by turn 3 whereas the Chaos guy was basically what I just outlined above). Alex decides to fire his melta vets out of the top hatch in the Chimera. "But wait!" says the Chaos powergamer, "you can't fire them out of the top hatch because the turret blocks line of sight!" Blank stares of disbelief turn his way. Alex readied his bolt pistol for summary execution as i began to dial Jervis Johnson to fly to Western New York to slap this kid across the head. "Are you kidding me?" asks Alex, the powergamer's Eldar teammate staring at him wondering why he joined teams with him. "Yeah, I mean if you used the laser pointer to draw line of sight from the top hatch it would hit the turret and you can't fire them, sorry man!" At this point, a part of me died as I lost some faith in humanity. The Eldar teammate turns to the wickedly cool Valhallan player (side note: the kid had ALL metal Valhallans. My faith in humanity returned :p) and asked him if this was the case. He turns to the Chaos player and eloquently says "What the hell are you taking about? Of course he can fire out of the top hatch, don't be a douche!" Alex lowered his bolt pistol for another time (probably for the guy that side-swipped his car at the 'Ard Boyz tourney a few weeks later).
I could go on an on, but bottom line is: if you are relying on weird rule wording or your opponants ignorance to win, you are acting in a powergaming manner. So now you know, and knowing's half the battle.
My Space Marine Librarian in Terminator armor can perform a sweeping advance because in the "Terminator Armor" wargear section on page 102 it says "Terminators cannot perform a sweeping advance" it does not say "models in Terminator armor".He was promptly flamed for his incredible rules-lawyering. Now RAW he is absolutely correct, but RAI he is absolutely wrong which leads me to the subject of this week's FAQ:
Now many non-frequent gamers may not know the difference so let me break it down so the rest of this post isn't unneccisarly confusing. RAW stands for "Rules As Written", that is reading the rules and applying them to the game exactly as they are written. RAI stands for "Rules As Intended (or Implied)" in that you apply the rules as it is intended to be played and not exactly how it is written.
The use of either of these is generally clear. I have 6/10 guys behind a building, I therefore get a 4+ cover save reading the rules as written (RAW) in the rulebook. Using the example at the beginning of this post, Terminator armor is bulky and therefore Terminators cannot sweeping advance IMPLIES (RAI) that any model in Terminator cannot perform a sweeping advance, despite what the rules as written are. Same with the 4th edition Space Marine codex where Terminators didn't have Terminator Armor in their entry. A clear case of RAI over RAW (except for rules-lawyering idiots).
Now where might I be going with this? Well I want to help out everyone (including myself) by figuring out when the best time to use RAW or RAI is. A lot of times it is depending on my mood or the situation (which is never good as I am rarely using logic in those cases). When you are playing for fun, RAI should ALWAYS take precedence and when you're playing in a tournament-style RAW should likewise take precedence. However, there are times when using one or the other can be confusing or tricky.
Many times RAW comes off as rules-lawyering or looking either too deeply or not enough into the rules. Some nice cases are our rulings for Pinning Weapons and the Deffrolla. Both of those issues teeter on the line between RAW and RAI but Alex and I decided on RAW for both. Why? Well because when it is hard to tell what is implied in a rule (did they really want you to be able to Ram with a Deffrolla or have each sniper gun able to cause a pinning check?) I feel going with RAW is the safest route until an official FAQ is released. I realize many people disagree and that's perfectly OK. If you are planning on playing fun games I suggest making some fun house rules that use RAW but twist them a bit to make it more of a compromise. For example, if I thought each weapon causing a pinning check is over-powered, I would say on a 4+ at the beginning of the squad's shooting phase, each weapon has the potential to cause a pinning check because they are not shooting to kill, but shooting to make sure the enemy doesn't advance (or something like that). It makes the game for interesting with it still being a fair compromise. The important thing to remember with RAW is that it absolutely cannot be used in all cases, but is the safety net if you can't come upon a decision. You then can use what's written and manipulate it into a house rule since, after all, 40k is meant for fun, not to beat the crap out of eachother!
I like using RAI a lot because it helps me think about how the developers come up with rules so I can create fun little scenarios as I play. However, when answering rules questions I tend to only use it when what is written is absolutely not clear and can logically be drawn to more than one conclusion. That's where it begins to get tricky because everyone is right with their opinion on what the developers intended (since most of us just play the game and don't write the rules!) so it's why we come to our conclusion that matters, not how. A good example of this in our Friday FAQ segments is the Drop Pod ordeal. Alex and I didn't feel the rules were clear and there were two different conclusions that people could logically come to so we decided to look at what was intended. The beautiful thing about RAI is that it really helps to get people in the spirit of the game. Too often gamers get enthralled by competitive play that they forget GW has always intended the 40k rulebook to be a guideline on how to play and not a definitive rules-set. Bottom-line is that 40k is meant to be fun, not competive. In the end, RAI is perfect for creating house-rules because that's what they are: a certain group's interpretation of what is intended in a rule.
Anyone who has played in a tournament has faced cheesy lists, unit abuse and down-right game-breaking crap. However, that's not being a powergamer IMO. Even though i am under the firm belief that fun lists can win tournies too (I've seen it happen!), I belief powergaming lies mainly in rules manipulation. This is usually where a player will be using RAW where RAI is needed (rarely do they use RAI because the game actually becomes fun and the powergamer just can't have that). Another way to be a powergaming dick is by making a ruling up that gives them a clear advantage and acting like it is 100% true to try and play off their opponant's ignorance or frustration, furthering their chances to win. When you need to rely on a rules-anomaly to win a game and not tactical superiority, I have the urge to punch you right in the face.
A beautiful example was in Alex and my last game in our doubles tourney. We played an Eldar guy and Chaos guy (Eldar dude was a great sport even though we tabled his army by turn 3 whereas the Chaos guy was basically what I just outlined above). Alex decides to fire his melta vets out of the top hatch in the Chimera. "But wait!" says the Chaos powergamer, "you can't fire them out of the top hatch because the turret blocks line of sight!" Blank stares of disbelief turn his way. Alex readied his bolt pistol for summary execution as i began to dial Jervis Johnson to fly to Western New York to slap this kid across the head. "Are you kidding me?" asks Alex, the powergamer's Eldar teammate staring at him wondering why he joined teams with him. "Yeah, I mean if you used the laser pointer to draw line of sight from the top hatch it would hit the turret and you can't fire them, sorry man!" At this point, a part of me died as I lost some faith in humanity. The Eldar teammate turns to the wickedly cool Valhallan player (side note: the kid had ALL metal Valhallans. My faith in humanity returned :p) and asked him if this was the case. He turns to the Chaos player and eloquently says "What the hell are you taking about? Of course he can fire out of the top hatch, don't be a douche!" Alex lowered his bolt pistol for another time (probably for the guy that side-swipped his car at the 'Ard Boyz tourney a few weeks later).
I could go on an on, but bottom line is: if you are relying on weird rule wording or your opponants ignorance to win, you are acting in a powergaming manner. So now you know, and knowing's half the battle.
Wednesday, July 29, 2009
New Painting Techniques: Khan
NMM is a technique that takes getting used to. I finally started developing my hand at it and I decided to challenge myself even more and try to paint the new Kor'Sarro Khan model with NMM armor. But not just any NMM (you know, the classic Silver/Bronze/Gold) but shiny purple armor. After about three repaints, I think I finally got something I like (well, I've just done the arms, but I have my method down... kinda). Here's what he looks like so far in a VERY PIP stage:

What do you guys think? I'm quite happy with it personally :D

What do you guys think? I'm quite happy with it personally :D
Tuesday, July 28, 2009
Monday, July 27, 2009
Golden Demon contest
As most of you know, Alex and I entered our first Golden Demon competition in Chicago. While neither of us won, we both made the final cut with our single miniatures (his Jarren Kell and my Commissar). The ironic thing is that these are our entries we spent the least amount of time on! My commissar took me about four hours, most of which was spent Thursday night before we left for Chicago Friday morning. Pretty satisfying if you ask me!
Here is my commissar (since i haven't posted pics of it yet):
Here is my commissar (since i haven't posted pics of it yet):
Friday, July 24, 2009
Games Day Chicago Rumors
Hello everyone! As many of you may already know, Games Day is tomorrow and we're hoping there are some juicy rumors that will be floating around. In anticipation, we not only set up our twitter account (to the right of this page or you can follow us directly from twitter here) but we are also collaborating with the Fly Lords at Bell of Lost Souls so while we give you live updates from twitter, they will be posting them so even more of an audience will see them! Alex and I think it's pretty cool and we are very excited to bring you live rumors right from the front line. So to recap really quickly, you have three ways to get live rumors from Chicago:
1) Come back here every so often and check the twitter feed to the right hand side of the page.
2) Follow us on twitter and get email updates whenever we update the feed.
3) Head on over to mighty Bell of Lost Souls and watch as the rumors develop (from us and I'm sure from other sources as well)!
Have a great weekend everyone!
Also, here is my third entry, and Inquisitor-scale model of Eisenhorn:

1) Come back here every so often and check the twitter feed to the right hand side of the page.
2) Follow us on twitter and get email updates whenever we update the feed.
3) Head on over to mighty Bell of Lost Souls and watch as the rumors develop (from us and I'm sure from other sources as well)!
Have a great weekend everyone!
Also, here is my third entry, and Inquisitor-scale model of Eisenhorn:

Friday FAQ #7
This week we have a question from ctreleheb of The Miniature Side of Me. His question is:
Terran Forge Final Opinion: By the letter of the law it is 100% legal. For a house rule that makes everyone happy, I suggest making is D3 Strength 10 hits against vehicles. You'll do something, and it is far more balanced than D6 Strength 10. Of course, that is just a suggestion!
Even looking at fluff, this ruling makes sense. The problem, I think, lies in how it gets D6 Strength 10 hits and it's cheaper than a powerfist or powerklaw. It just isn't balanced for tournament play but is incredibly fun at least! As always, email us your rules queries to and feel free to discuss our rulings in the comments! And don't forget, all our FAQs are totally unofficial and just serve as a "second opinion" to tricky situations that may come up in future games!
First, let's take a look at the Ork codex to see what a Deffrolla actually does. On page 55 under the Deffrolla entry in the Ork Codex it states:
My question came up in a game during a couple 'Ard Boyz games when I played Orks. One of the Ork players was using his Deffrolla on his Battlewagon to inflict D6 strength 10 hits on vehicles, not infantry. Is this legal or can you only use the Deffrolla against infantry?
Any Tank Shock made by a Battlewagon with a Deffrolls causes D6 Strength 10 hits on the victim unit. If the unit elects to make a Death or Glory attack, it takes a further D6 Strength 10 hits in addition to the usual effects.Well you obviously cannot Tank Shock a vehicle, so let's look at the rule book to see what Ramming is, shall we? On page 69 in the right column, the first sentence says:
Ramming is a special type of tank shock move and is executed the same way, except that the tank must always move at the highest speed it is capable of.So if ramming is a special type of tank shock move, RAW would make it seem like Deffrollas do, in fact, cause D6 Strength 10 hits against a vehicle. The fact that it says "Any Tank Shock" and Ramming is a subset of Tank Shock certainly implies that this is legal. Wow, that was much faster than I thought it would be! It is a bit broken seeing as how it costs less points than a powerfist but has the capability to do more damage, but the only argument I can find against this ruling is "OMG but it wrecks mah Land Raider!". Pretty shaky.
Terran Forge Final Opinion: By the letter of the law it is 100% legal. For a house rule that makes everyone happy, I suggest making is D3 Strength 10 hits against vehicles. You'll do something, and it is far more balanced than D6 Strength 10. Of course, that is just a suggestion!
Even looking at fluff, this ruling makes sense. The problem, I think, lies in how it gets D6 Strength 10 hits and it's cheaper than a powerfist or powerklaw. It just isn't balanced for tournament play but is incredibly fun at least! As always, email us your rules queries to and feel free to discuss our rulings in the comments! And don't forget, all our FAQs are totally unofficial and just serve as a "second opinion" to tricky situations that may come up in future games!
Thursday, July 23, 2009
Jarran Kell Complete*
That's it folks I finished him up the other day for the contest at The Pit of the Oni. He is mostly done (just gonna go back and touch up some parts later, but no big deal! Chicago is just two days away and I have to start getting ready to leave at 3AM this morning. Anyways, go to the The Pit of the Oni and vote for your favorite

Expect many Chicago updates soon (and our lovely Friday FAQ) and please follow our live Twitter feed from the event on Bell of lost Souls or here.

Expect many Chicago updates soon (and our lovely Friday FAQ) and please follow our live Twitter feed from the event on Bell of lost Souls or here.
Wednesday, July 22, 2009
GD entry #2: Diorama
This idea has been floating in my head for awhile and I finally did it for Golden Demon. Some of the parts didn't come out as I expected them to in my head, but I'm happy with it anyways. The Catachan in the sewer was an after thought but what the hell, why not! What do you guys think? I doubt it will place because most diorama entries are far more dramatic and such, but worth a shot, right?

Tuesday, July 21, 2009
New Harker model
Monday, July 20, 2009
Army Update
Hey guys, Kevin here.
I've been seeing this kind of thing pop up on forums a lot and decided to give it a go. Basically each color represents the status of a unit in my army. I figure it will help to get me motivated to paint my stuff and NOT buy anything new until I get more stuff finished. I'm planning on doing a bi-monthly update like this (the 15th and 30 or 31st of each month seems good). So I'm only five days late on the mid-month update ;)
Fully Painted
Painting in Progress
Work in Progress
Not built/Still on sprue
Chapter Master
Chaplain with Jump Pack
Chaplain in Terminator Armor
Librarian in Terminator Armor
Master of the Forge on bike with Conversion Beamer
Honor Guard
Legion of the Damned with Heavy Flamer
Terminator Squad
Assault Terminator Squad
Venerable Dreadnought
Ironclad Dreadnought
Tactical Squad with Plasma Gun/Heavy Bolter/Powerfist
Tactical Squad with Plasma Gun/Heavy Bolter/Powerfist
Tactical Squad with Melta Gun/Powerfist
Scout Squad x8 with Powerfist/Three Shotguns/Heavy Bolter
Land Speeder Storm
Assault Squad x10 with Jump Packs/Powerfist
Assault Squad x8 with Powerfist
Devastator Squad with three Lascannons
Land Raider
Land Raider Redeemer
Company Command Squad
Commissar Lord
Techpriest Enginseer
Platoon command Squad with grenade launcher
Platoon command Squad with melta gun
Infantry squad with grenade launcher
Infantry squad with grenade launcher
Infantry squad with grenade launcher
Infantry squad with flamer
Infantry squad with flamer
Infantry squad with flamer
Mortar Squad
Mortar Squad
Armored Sentinel
Leman Russ Battle Tank
Leman Russ Executioner
Leman Russ Vanquisher
Leman Russ Demolisher
Leman Russ Eradicator
Hopefully by September, more of the Space Marines will be green and more of the Valhallans will be yellow-orange. Didn't release how far back on the Marines I was- eek!
I've been seeing this kind of thing pop up on forums a lot and decided to give it a go. Basically each color represents the status of a unit in my army. I figure it will help to get me motivated to paint my stuff and NOT buy anything new until I get more stuff finished. I'm planning on doing a bi-monthly update like this (the 15th and 30 or 31st of each month seems good). So I'm only five days late on the mid-month update ;)
Fully Painted
Painting in Progress
Work in Progress
Not built/Still on sprue
Chapter Master
Chaplain with Jump Pack
Chaplain in Terminator Armor
Librarian in Terminator Armor
Master of the Forge on bike with Conversion Beamer
Honor Guard
Legion of the Damned with Heavy Flamer
Terminator Squad
Assault Terminator Squad
Venerable Dreadnought
Ironclad Dreadnought
Tactical Squad with Plasma Gun/Heavy Bolter/Powerfist
Tactical Squad with Plasma Gun/Heavy Bolter/Powerfist
Tactical Squad with Melta Gun/Powerfist
Scout Squad x8 with Powerfist/Three Shotguns/Heavy Bolter
Land Speeder Storm
Assault Squad x10 with Jump Packs/Powerfist
Assault Squad x8 with Powerfist
Devastator Squad with three Lascannons
Land Raider
Land Raider Redeemer
Company Command Squad
Commissar Lord
Techpriest Enginseer
Platoon command Squad with grenade launcher
Platoon command Squad with melta gun
Infantry squad with grenade launcher
Infantry squad with grenade launcher
Infantry squad with grenade launcher
Infantry squad with flamer
Infantry squad with flamer
Infantry squad with flamer
Mortar Squad
Mortar Squad
Armored Sentinel
Leman Russ Battle Tank
Leman Russ Executioner
Leman Russ Vanquisher
Leman Russ Demolisher
Leman Russ Eradicator
Hopefully by September, more of the Space Marines will be green and more of the Valhallans will be yellow-orange. Didn't release how far back on the Marines I was- eek!
Sunday, July 19, 2009
GD entry #1
While I doubt I will win anything (or even make the cut) in Golden Demon Chicago, I figured I should at least give it a shot! Now the gravel on the base needs to be glued down a bit more, but other than that my first entry is done: a Valhallan Sentinel! I'm really happy with it even if it won't get me any awards.

Jarran Kell WIP
Hey Everyone, Alex here.
Today I am showing you my Work in Progress Jarran Kell for the special character painting competition hosted by our friend at Pit of the Oni.
I am not gonna lie, this model has taken a while to get to the stage it is at right now. All I really have to do though is finish the flag, complete the powerfist, then paint the base. No biggie, right?

Expect an update of the finished model by later today or Monday at some point.
Today I am showing you my Work in Progress Jarran Kell for the special character painting competition hosted by our friend at Pit of the Oni.
I am not gonna lie, this model has taken a while to get to the stage it is at right now. All I really have to do though is finish the flag, complete the powerfist, then paint the base. No biggie, right?

Expect an update of the finished model by later today or Monday at some point.
Friday, July 17, 2009
Terrain Fest pt. Zwei
Hey Everyone, Alex here
Kev and I have been working on a lot of terrain lately so that we can have nice looking games (no coke bottles, books, or pieces of paper anymore). So today I finished up another terrain piece for the table. Here it is!
Ruined Church or something...

Hopefully kev and I will be making more terrain soon when we get together. But sadly, Gold Demon entries take priority!
Kev and I have been working on a lot of terrain lately so that we can have nice looking games (no coke bottles, books, or pieces of paper anymore). So today I finished up another terrain piece for the table. Here it is!
Ruined Church or something...

Hopefully kev and I will be making more terrain soon when we get together. But sadly, Gold Demon entries take priority!
Friday FAQ #6
Another Friday, another FAQ. This week we'll be discussing Valkyries and the Scout special rule...
Right off the bat, we say no. But you know us, we like to dig into the rules to find out for sure!
The Scout USR, like others, have a little asterisk that says (page 74 of the BRB):
Honestly, only two come to mind: Space Marine Land Speeder Storms (which can only carry scouts so it's useless for this argument) and Drop Pods! Yes, Drop Pods! They have the Deepstrike rule and somehow confer it onto the squad, awesomeness! The Drop Pod has the "Drop Pod Assault" rule which allows the pod to deep strike. This allows for the deep striking of units that do not have the "deep strike" rule in their profile. With the Drop pod being a transport units can start the game inside of it and deploy in it. The same applies for the Valkyrie; being a transport vehicle it can have units deployed in it, with it. Using the same logic as the space marine Drop Pod where units that do not have the Deep Strike rule can deepstrike inside the transport (drop pod), then the Valkyrie can scout (outflank) with units embarked in it that do not have "scout" or "infiltrate" in their profile .
To outline the logic in steps:
1. Units can be deployed in transports.
2. Drop Pods are Transports which allow embarked units to deep strike with the Drop pod even though these units do no necessarily have the Deep Strike rule.
3. The Valkyrie is a transport much like the Drop Pod is a transport.
4. The Valkyrie can outflank or scout with a unit inside it that does not necessarily have scout or infiltrate because a Drop Pod can do the same for its passengers.
5. The linking ingredient to this logic train is the fact that Drop Pods and Valkyries are transports.
Terran Forge Final Opinion: Valkyries and Vendettas can scout with an embarked squad.
As always, these FAQs are unofficial but serve a purpose to shed light onto tricky situations that may come up in games. If you have a rules question you'd like answered, email us at!
In Codex: Imperial Guard, the Valkyrie has the scout special rule. Does this mean the passengers inside also receive the Scout special rule?
Right off the bat, we say no. But you know us, we like to dig into the rules to find out for sure!
The Scout USR, like others, have a little asterisk that says (page 74 of the BRB):
The special rules marked with an asterisk (*) are automatically lost by an independent character joining a unit that does not have the same special rule. These rules are also lost by a unit that is joined by an independent character that does not have the same special rule.Why do we bring this up? Well let's look past RAW for a second and take a plunge into RAI. What GW seems to be intending with this rule is that the Scout USR (and others with the asterisk) are rules specifically meant for a single unit and it cannot be conferred to another unit. The rulebook, of course, uses specific terms such as "independent charachter" so this intended interpretation may not be good enough for many of you. Now let's take a look at other transport vehicles that scout or deepstrike...
Honestly, only two come to mind: Space Marine Land Speeder Storms (which can only carry scouts so it's useless for this argument) and Drop Pods! Yes, Drop Pods! They have the Deepstrike rule and somehow confer it onto the squad, awesomeness! The Drop Pod has the "Drop Pod Assault" rule which allows the pod to deep strike. This allows for the deep striking of units that do not have the "deep strike" rule in their profile. With the Drop pod being a transport units can start the game inside of it and deploy in it. The same applies for the Valkyrie; being a transport vehicle it can have units deployed in it, with it. Using the same logic as the space marine Drop Pod where units that do not have the Deep Strike rule can deepstrike inside the transport (drop pod), then the Valkyrie can scout (outflank) with units embarked in it that do not have "scout" or "infiltrate" in their profile .
To outline the logic in steps:
1. Units can be deployed in transports.
2. Drop Pods are Transports which allow embarked units to deep strike with the Drop pod even though these units do no necessarily have the Deep Strike rule.
3. The Valkyrie is a transport much like the Drop Pod is a transport.
4. The Valkyrie can outflank or scout with a unit inside it that does not necessarily have scout or infiltrate because a Drop Pod can do the same for its passengers.
5. The linking ingredient to this logic train is the fact that Drop Pods and Valkyries are transports.
Terran Forge Final Opinion: Valkyries and Vendettas can scout with an embarked squad.
As always, these FAQs are unofficial but serve a purpose to shed light onto tricky situations that may come up in games. If you have a rules question you'd like answered, email us at!
Sunday, July 12, 2009
Getting drunk on terrain
Alex and I have seem to caught a bug... a terrain bug. The other night him and I began work on two terrain pieces to even further liven up our city board (see: titan terrain). Well I just finished painting my piece. It's meant to be low-key, but I think it looks great personally. The rusted Landspedder really brings character to an otherwise dull (as it should be) set of ruins. I may add some guard bits here and there with gore to throw in some more colors, but for now I'm content (at least until I finish my GD Chicago entries!)

Friday, July 10, 2009
Friday FAQ #5
Normally we'd have an odd rules query here but instead, since 'Ard Boyz is tomorrow for us in America, we decided to list a few rules (with page numbers) on questions that may arise during the tournament, including the Guard Codex which many people may still be unfamiliar with heading into the tournament.
Rule Book
- Morale checks are taken at the end of EACH phase (page 44 under "Taking Morale Checks", point A)
- If a falling back unit comes in CONTACT with a table edge, the entire unit is removed from the game (page 45, last paragraph under "Fall Back!")
- Both Barrage and Ordnance Barrage weapons may choose to fire either directly or indirectly. Why would you want to fire indirectly if a unit is in LoS? To deny cover saves or to cause a pinning check of course! (Page 58, second paragraph under "Ordnance Barrage weapons"). If within line of sight and firing "Barrage" one can still deduct the Ballistic skill of the firer from the scatter roll (ninja edit by Dictator).
- If vehicles are in squadrons, "Immobilised" results count as "Wrecked" and "Stunned" results count as "Shaken" (Page 64, second paragraph under "Damage Results Against Squadrons")
- If a unit is in contact with an enemy's vehicle at the start of the enemy's Assault phase, said unit may perform their attacks as normal (page 63 under "Successive turns")
- If a unit performs a Death or Glory attack and fails, the model that performed the attack is removed (regardless of wounds or saves) and no morale checks need to be taken (Page 69, third paragraph under "Death or Glory!")
- The "Stealth" special rule does not confer a bonus cover save in the open since the rule states it only improves your cover saves by +1. Since you don't typically have a cover save in the open, it cannot be improved by +1 (Page 76 under "Stealth")
Codex: Imperial Guard
Orders (Page 29):
- Must be issued at the start of the shooting phase (third paragraph).
- Must be issued Company Command first, Platoon Command second (third paragraph).
- The orders "First Rank, Fire! Second Rank, Fire!", "Fire on My Target!" and "Bring it Down!" cause the ordered squad to follow the order IMMEDIATELY after passing (Page 30 and 36 under the respective headings).
- Infantry Squads have the option of joining together using the "Combined Squads" special rule found on page 37.
- If a Leman Russ wishes to move at cruising speed, it must roll an additional D6 for movement as per the "Lumbering Behemoth" rules on page 48.
Any rules questions you guys have (in the rulebook or the various codices)? Send 'em in! If we don't post it on an FAQ, we'll still answer it so there's nothing to lose! Just send your queries to us at Have a great weekend guys and good luck to those participating in the 'Ard Boyz tournament!
Rule Book
- Morale checks are taken at the end of EACH phase (page 44 under "Taking Morale Checks", point A)
- If a falling back unit comes in CONTACT with a table edge, the entire unit is removed from the game (page 45, last paragraph under "Fall Back!")
- Both Barrage and Ordnance Barrage weapons may choose to fire either directly or indirectly. Why would you want to fire indirectly if a unit is in LoS? To deny cover saves or to cause a pinning check of course! (Page 58, second paragraph under "Ordnance Barrage weapons"). If within line of sight and firing "Barrage" one can still deduct the Ballistic skill of the firer from the scatter roll (ninja edit by Dictator).
- If vehicles are in squadrons, "Immobilised" results count as "Wrecked" and "Stunned" results count as "Shaken" (Page 64, second paragraph under "Damage Results Against Squadrons")
- If a unit is in contact with an enemy's vehicle at the start of the enemy's Assault phase, said unit may perform their attacks as normal (page 63 under "Successive turns")
- If a unit performs a Death or Glory attack and fails, the model that performed the attack is removed (regardless of wounds or saves) and no morale checks need to be taken (Page 69, third paragraph under "Death or Glory!")
- The "Stealth" special rule does not confer a bonus cover save in the open since the rule states it only improves your cover saves by +1. Since you don't typically have a cover save in the open, it cannot be improved by +1 (Page 76 under "Stealth")
Codex: Imperial Guard
Orders (Page 29):
- Must be issued at the start of the shooting phase (third paragraph).
- Must be issued Company Command first, Platoon Command second (third paragraph).
- The orders "First Rank, Fire! Second Rank, Fire!", "Fire on My Target!" and "Bring it Down!" cause the ordered squad to follow the order IMMEDIATELY after passing (Page 30 and 36 under the respective headings).
- Infantry Squads have the option of joining together using the "Combined Squads" special rule found on page 37.
- If a Leman Russ wishes to move at cruising speed, it must roll an additional D6 for movement as per the "Lumbering Behemoth" rules on page 48.
Any rules questions you guys have (in the rulebook or the various codices)? Send 'em in! If we don't post it on an FAQ, we'll still answer it so there's nothing to lose! Just send your queries to us at Have a great weekend guys and good luck to those participating in the 'Ard Boyz tournament!
Thursday, July 9, 2009
Titan Terrain (Part 2)
As promised by Twitter (updates over there, on the right) I would post up the big-ass piece of Titan terrain Alex and I built and painted the other night. Not counting dry time, this probably only took us 4 hours to build and paint which is pretty awesome. Then again, the titan body and head themselves were already built before we dove into this project (I built a full titan last year which then got crushed by multiple things, including my foot). Anyways, here it is:

Size comparisons:

I also added an extra touch to the Titan foot (rust):

Slowly Alex and I are getting a battlefield with appropriate Terrain. Woot!

Size comparisons:

I also added an extra touch to the Titan foot (rust):

Slowly Alex and I are getting a battlefield with appropriate Terrain. Woot!
Friday, July 3, 2009
We interupt this broadcast....
Kevin here, bringing you an incredibly non-40k related post:
I pre-ordered Dream Theater's new album Black Clouds and Silver Linings (the special edition 3-disc set). DT said on their homepage, though I can't find the news post, that a limited number of people who pre-ordered it would receive the lyric booklet autographed. My CD came the other day and it was just a plain old booklet, no autographs, but I didn't care because it was a great album (the instrumental tracks on the third disc are really cool). Today I got a small parcel in the mail, opened it and saw this (click for larger image):

OMFG OMFG OMFG OMFG OMFG!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!1111111oneoneone11eleven!!1111!!
For those of you that don't know, Dream Theater is my all time favorite band and I idolize each member for their musical skill. A dream of mine is to sit down with, at the very least, Jon Petrucci over a beer discussing music. Anyways, I got the next best thing, all of their autographs!!
And so you know who each autograph's is:

To say I'm happy would be a gross understatement. This is one of the coolest things I've ever gotten.
That is all :D
I pre-ordered Dream Theater's new album Black Clouds and Silver Linings (the special edition 3-disc set). DT said on their homepage, though I can't find the news post, that a limited number of people who pre-ordered it would receive the lyric booklet autographed. My CD came the other day and it was just a plain old booklet, no autographs, but I didn't care because it was a great album (the instrumental tracks on the third disc are really cool). Today I got a small parcel in the mail, opened it and saw this (click for larger image):

OMFG OMFG OMFG OMFG OMFG!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!1111111oneoneone11eleven!!1111!!
For those of you that don't know, Dream Theater is my all time favorite band and I idolize each member for their musical skill. A dream of mine is to sit down with, at the very least, Jon Petrucci over a beer discussing music. Anyways, I got the next best thing, all of their autographs!!
And so you know who each autograph's is:

To say I'm happy would be a gross understatement. This is one of the coolest things I've ever gotten.
That is all :D
Friday FAQ #4
It's Friday again meaning, you guessed it, another Friday FAQ!
This week we'll be touching on a VERY hot issue right now, the question about pinning weapons. Haven't heard it yet? Well here it is:
(question courtesy of Deathboon from Astronomican)
Ok, here's what page 31 says:
Well a paragraph down it mentions the effects of pinning and going to ground. Originally Alex and I skipped past it but came back (because there is NOTHING helpful in this rulebook) and noticed something very particular:
Terran Forge final opinion: Never does it specify multiple pinning weapons in a squad, therefore by RAW Alex and I both believe that the wording absolutely, 100% implies that each pinning weapon that causes an unsaved wound in a squad causes a pinning test. That means one squad can cause multiple pinning test. However, that said, we do not believe GW intended it to be this way, but it is what it is (sadly). And as a clarification, that's still one pinning test per weapon, not per unsaved wound!
Disappointing. Alex and I have always believed it to be the opposite of what we have discovered. However, GW did write this book and for tournaments I highly suggest asking the tournament organizer what their official ruling is. Please feel free to send us more questions at!
This week we'll be touching on a VERY hot issue right now, the question about pinning weapons. Haven't heard it yet? Well here it is:
In 4th edition, any amount of wounds inflicted by a squad with pinning weapons required a single pinning test (4th ed RB pg 32). In 5th ed (pg 31) the wording of the rule has changed substantially. One camp suggests that the changed wording means that if a unit with pinning weapon successfully wounds a unit then that unit must take a single pinning test no matter how many wounds they suffered. The other camp says that the new wording clearly indicates that each weapon that successfully wounds the enemy unit at least once requires a pinning test.
To summarize:
Side A - Multiple pinning wounds from 1 enemy unit = 1 test regardless of the number of pinning weapons
Side B - Multiple pinning wounds from 1 weapon = 1 test; multiple wounds from multiple pinning weapons = 1 test per wounding weapon.
Who is right?
(question courtesy of Deathboon from Astronomican)
Ok, here's what page 31 says:
If a unit other than a vehicle suffers any unsaved wounds from a pinning weapon, it must immediately take a Pinning test.Well the ambiguity lies with the word "weapon". What the hell does that mean? Weapon type or a single weapon? If I have a squad of three mortars which cause a wound, do they EACH cause a pinning test (assuming they all cause unsaved wounds) or one pinning test since it's one weapon type in a squad? Very confusing and there are excellent arguments on both sides of this. Let's dig a little more through the rule book though, shall we? The term "weapon" is never clearly defined in the rulebook. It is described as a type of weapon in some sections and as a single weapon in others. Thanks for being clear GW!
Well a paragraph down it mentions the effects of pinning and going to ground. Originally Alex and I skipped past it but came back (because there is NOTHING helpful in this rulebook) and noticed something very particular:
. . . going to ground does not protect it against the fire of the pinning weapon that caused the test (or indeed of any other weapon fired by the same unit that phase). . .Notice something? The term "pinning weapon" is singular, not plural. It references ONE weapon causing ONE test.
Terran Forge final opinion: Never does it specify multiple pinning weapons in a squad, therefore by RAW Alex and I both believe that the wording absolutely, 100% implies that each pinning weapon that causes an unsaved wound in a squad causes a pinning test. That means one squad can cause multiple pinning test. However, that said, we do not believe GW intended it to be this way, but it is what it is (sadly). And as a clarification, that's still one pinning test per weapon, not per unsaved wound!
Disappointing. Alex and I have always believed it to be the opposite of what we have discovered. However, GW did write this book and for tournaments I highly suggest asking the tournament organizer what their official ruling is. Please feel free to send us more questions at!
Wednesday, July 1, 2009
Back to my first love...
....Space Marine! Despite the love I have for my new Valhallans, I could never neglect the power armored monsters of the Imperium! That, and I want to have more guys painted in time for 'Ard Boyz. First on the plate, a scratch built (sorta) Land Speeder Storm. I just canabalized my old Landspeeder that I forgot I even had and made this out of it in about an hour:

Then, of course, the Scouts that go inside!

I have a tactical squad nearly finished, so expect another update soon enough!

Then, of course, the Scouts that go inside!

I have a tactical squad nearly finished, so expect another update soon enough!
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