Well for those of you that follow us on
Twitter will know that I gave in and bought Space Hulk. In part, this had to do with
Jawaballs' painting contest as Terminators are a really sexy prize :D Not to mention that when I first saw the models, the painter in me kept screaming to buy the thing just so I can paint them (and have a functioning Counts-As Deathwing army plus a small-scale 'nid army to help get friends and family into the hobby). Well here is the first termy painted for the contest in all it's Blood Angels glory (ignore the little speck of snakebite on the back of him. I accidentally get it on right before I took photos and didn't notice it 'till after. Whoops!)
That's a pretty sweet paint job! Another thing you can do with Space Hulk minis is play Space Hulk. It's a great game. It was my gateway drug into the 40k game back in first edition.
Thanks man! I've already got three games of it in and absolutely love it. I think it's my brother's gateway drug into Tyranids :D
really nice job. im working on lorenzo for the comp but seeing this makes me think i shouldnt bother finishing!
Nice. I really like the red. It has an actual 'blood' color to it.
Great job, he looks fantastic! :)
@KSB- Pish-posh, I'm sure he'll look wonderful! I look forward to seeing him :)
@Oni/MD- Thanks guys, I definitely appreciate the kind words! Can't wait to finish the rest now...
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